FROGS Training
Next training webinar (4-day course):
12th and 13th May 2025 AND 19th and 20th May 2025
This training session, in webinar, is designed to help you to deal with NGS data of 16S, 18S, ITS, COI, and other DNAs produced with MiSeq/HiSeq from Illumina technologies in the Galaxy workbench. You will discover how to use a Galaxy instance, run bioinformatics analysis on your data (clean reads, clusterize them, do the taxonomic affiliation, etc.) and perform statistics to interpret your results with the FROGS pipeline. With FROGS you can also make functional inference and hypothesize what metabolic functions are present in a microbial community.
Biologists interested in microbiota from various environments (intestinal, soil, aquatic, food, etc.) use genetic markers to know their composition and follow their evolution - metabarcoding. FROGS is a software package for accurate, simple and robust processing of metabarcoding sequencing reads. FROGS uses standard methods and tools combined with original and innovative approaches (such as the support of yeast and fungal markers). FROGS offers in addition to the expected outputs (abundance table of the species in the environment and their affiliations), numerous graphs and statistics allowing biologists an enriched support of their analyses. Its use is open to both non-experts and experts thanks to the launch of the tools via the Galaxy platforms or via the command line.
Our objective is to make future FROGS users autonomous in the use of the 28 proposed tools and in the interpretation of the results obtained.
Géraldine PASCAL: Research engineer in bioinformatics at INRAE at GenPhySE lab in Toulouse. Coordinator of the FROGS project. Specialists in metabarcoding and metagenomics tools.
Lucas AUER: Reasearch engineer in biostatistics at INRAE at IAM (Tree-microbe interactions) lab in Nancy. Specialist in fungal meta-omics approaches in soils.
This training focuses on practice.The 4 days run from 9am to 4.30pm. After a first introductory session on the proper use of Galaxy and preparation of datasets, you will learn how to use the FROGS software.
At the end of the training, you will know (i) evaluate your datasets, (ii) how to interpret the results in the table of abundance, (iii) use main statistical tools, (iv) manipulate 16S and ITS datasets, (v) probable metabolic functions of the studied environment and (vi) build workflow.
- Bioinformatics analysis (Day-1 & Day-2): on 16S datasets, we manipulate FROGS tools for : data preprocessing, clustering, graphical interpretations, removal chimera step, filtering step, using tools for results visualization and affiliation step.
- Statistics analysis (Day-3): import and manipulate data, measuring diversity: Alpha, Beta, measuring diversity: Unifrac, Bray Curtis, etc., ordination and dimension reduction: MDS, clustering and heatmap, comparing samples: PERMANOVA, adonis. Differential analysis with DeSeq2.
- Functional inference (Day-4): what metabolic functions are present in a microbial community?
- ITS data manipulation (Day-4): what’s the difference ?
- And workflow constructions (Day-4).
No pre-requisites are requiredTraining fees
Type | Per day | Price for stage |
INRAE | 150 € no VAT charged | 600 € |
Academic non-INRAE | 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA) per day | 680 € |
Non-academic | 550 € + 20% taxes (TVA) par day | 2200 € |
All registration has to be confirmed upon receipt of a purchase order addressed by email to frogs-training@inrae.frINRAE - UMR GENPHYSE
24 Chemin Borde Rouge – Auzeville Tolosane
CS 52627
For Units INRAE, n°fournisseur S2I : 0000169816
By purchase order:Domiciliation | TP Toulouse |
Bank code | 10071 |
Counter code | 31000 |
Bank account number | 00001002650 – key : 96 |
Bank postal address | INRAE Occitanie Toulouse – AC Secondaire - 24 chemin de Borde Rouge - Auzeville – CS 52627 – 31326 CASTANET TOLOSAN CEDEX |
IBAN | FR76 1007 1310 0000 0010 0265 096 |
with a copie of your registration confirmation on which is indicated the training session name.
The check should be written to
INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse – ACS and
adressed to: INRAE – UMR GENPHYSE – Secteur Budget - 24 chemin Borde Rouge – Auzeville – CS 52627 – 31326 CASTANET TOLOSAN CEDEX
Cancellation condition
The cancellation have to be done 8 working days before the expected session date otherwise the payment will be cashed.
N° SIRET INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse: 18007003901134
APE code: 7219 Z
N°TVA intracommunautaire : FR57180070039