Terms of Service
By browsing this site, you acknowledge, as a user, to know and accept the terms of the conditions of use described below.
General informations
Refer to the legal notice of the site.Intellectual property
You are visiting the website of a public authority. You can reuse the general structure of the website, the content, the text and the images displayed on the website/application according to the terms of the Etalab 2.0 open licence. INRAE, as the publisher of this website, owns the trademarks and logos on the site unless otherwise stipulated. Consequently, you may not reuse the said trademarks and logos without prior written authorisation from INRAE. Other content may also be subject to intellectual property rights.Access to public information
If you have any questions about the public information on this website/application (identification, use, etc.), please contact the person who is responsible for providing access to the documents and who is duly authorised to answer questions about the reuse of public information (PRADA): INRAE PRADA, 147, rue de l’Université, 75338 Paris cedex 07 - Phone: +33 (0)1 42 75 90 00 - Email: prada@inrae.frInbound or outbound hypertext links
Hyperlinks from the website/application to external sites. The application may contain links to external sites (partner or third-party sites). INRAE may not be held liable for the content, use of the content or operation of such external websites. Hyperlinks from external sites to the website/application. If you wish to add hyperlinks to the content of the website/application, you must:Limitation of liability
INRAE's liability
Website availability. Unless otherwise stipulated by law, INRAE makes no representations regarding the availability of the website and does not warrant that the information on the website will always be present. IT security. Unless otherwise stipulated by law, INRAE does not warrant that the website, its features and its content are free of security flaws caused by hacking, intrusions, bugs, viruses or malware that may affect your computer hardware, software or data. You use the website, its features and its content at your own risk and under your sole responsibility. You are required to take all necessary preventive measures to protect your own data, software and/or computer systems against contamination from any viruses and attacks.User's liability
Content quality. Despite its best efforts to disseminate reliable content, INRAE does not warrant that such content is free of errors, inaccuracies or omissions. You are solely responsible for viewing, choosing, using and interpreting the content on this website. INRAE may not be held, by any express or implied obligation, as liable to you or third parties for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of the information, particularly by reason of inaccurate or incomplete information, or an indexing error with all or part of the website. User accounts. You are solely responsible for the use of your account and your unique project identifier, and you shall therefore hold INRAE harmless if your account is used fraudulently by a third party.Accessibility
The site complies with accessibility standards. As such, each site features an accessibility statement and warrants its compliance with applicable accessibility rules. The long-term accessibility policy and the dedicated annual action plan are available at the following address: https://intranet.inrae.fr/systemes-information. Reporting. If you find an online communication service to be in breach of these terms of service, you can report the breach to INRAE at the following address: dsi@inrae.fr.Personal data
This website collects personal data. By using FROGS web site, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the privacy policy.Amendments
The website editor reserves the right to amend these terms of service without prior notice.Governing law - language - disputes
These Terms of Service "ToS" shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law, irrespective of the location in which the website is used. If any translated version of these ToS conflicts with the current version, only the current version will control. In the event of a dispute, you agree to contact INRAE in the first instance with the aim of reaching an amicable solution for any such disputes between the parties. If the parties are unable to reach an amicable solution in respect of a dispute arising from or in connection with the validity, interpretation and/or performance of these ToS, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction and venue unless otherwise stipulated by legislation.Publication
Any publication using results of analyses performed with FROGS will have to cite the tool, as : Frédéric Escudié, Lucas Auer, Maria Bernard, Mahendra Mariadassou, Laurent Cauquil, Katia Vidal, Sarah Maman, Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet, Sylvie Combes, Géraldine Pascal; FROGS: Find, Rapidly, OTUs with Galaxy Solution, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 8, 15 April 2018, Pages 1287–1294Maria Bernard, Olivier Rué, Mahendra Mariadassou and Géraldine Pascal; FROGS: a powerful tool to analyse the diversity of fungi with special management of internal transcribed spacers, Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021, 10.1093/bib/bbab318